The 12 Months
The Gregorian calendar consists of the following 12 months:
January - 31 days
February - 28 days in a common year and 29 days in leap years
March - 31 days
April - 30 days
May - 31 days
June - 30 days
July - 31 days
August - 31 days
September - 30 days
October - 31 days
November - 30 days
December - 31 days
7 Days of the Week
Everybody knows that there are 7 "days of the week".
But do you know that there are only 5 "weekdays"?
And of course the "weekend" has 2 days.
The days of the week come from the Names of mythical figures, so the first letter of each day must be a CAPITAL letter.
Days of the Week:
Monday = associated with the Moon
Tuesday = from the god Tiw, associated with Mars
Wednesday = from Germanic god Odin
Thursday = from Germanic god of thunder Thor
Friday = from Germanic goddess Frigga associated with Venus
Saturday = associated with Saturn
Sunday = associated with the Sun
List of Months-
1)चैत्र -Chaitra- April to May
Chaitra begin with new moon. First month of year it celebrate with Gudi Padwa,its moth of springs and holi. This is first month of hindu calendar.
2)वैशाख-Vaishakh- May to June
Vaishakh is season of crop harvesting. Second month of hindu calendar.
3)ज्येष्ठ- Jyeshta – June to July
Maharashtra celebrate vat purnima in this month. Third month of hindu calendar.
4)आषाठ/ आकाड- Ashad/akad- July to August
Gurupurnima and ashadi ekadashi celebrate in this month. Fourth month of hindu calendar.
5)श्रावण-Shravan – August to September
Celebrating Nag Panchami and Narali purnima in this month. Fifth month of hindu calendar.
6)भाद्रपद-Bhadrapad- September to October
This is festive of Ganesh chaturthi which celebrate in Maharashtra. Sixth month of hindu calendar.
7)आश्विन- Ashwin -October to November
Navratri, Durga puja, Kojagiri, Dasra, Diwali these all festival celebrate in ashwin month. Seventh month of hindu calendar.
8)कार्त्तिक -Kartik- November to December
Bhaubeej celerate in kartik month. Eighth month of hindu calendar.
9)मार्गशीर्ष – Margashirshya – Dec to January
Margashirsh Lakshmi puja means worship of goddess lakshmi in this month. Ninth month of hindu calendar.
10)पौष/पुस – Paush/pus – Jan to February
Paush amavasya celebrate in this month. Tenth month of hindu calendar.
11)माघ – Maagh- February to March
Mahashivratri celebrate in this month. Where people worship lord Mahadev. And celebrating Makar sankranti. Eleventh month of hindu calendar.
12)फाल्गुन – falgun – March to April
This is last month in hindu calendar. Celebrate holi in this month. Twelve month of hindu calendar.