365 Daily Quotes for Inspired Living
#1: It's
only when you have the courage to step off the ledge that you'll realize you've
had wings all along.
#2: Trust
is knowing that we're exactly where we are supposed to be in life, especially
when it doesn't feel
like it.
#3: In
every moment, you are the only one who gets to choose your attitude. Choose
#4: e
greatest personal ful llment comes when we contribute to improving the welfare
of others.
#5: Who
and what you are will be determined by you, not by your circumstances.
#6: Follow
your passion. Listen to your heart. Trust the process. Be grateful. Life is
magic and your
dreams matter.
#7: Life
is about right now in this very moment. Not tomorrow, not yesterday but NOW.
Live it!
#8: Having
a great dream and belief in yourself is great, but nothing happens until you
take action.
#9: Your
words are simply the thoughts of yours that will become things the soonest.
#10: Refuse
to be de ned by someone else's vision of what's possible.
#11: In all
moments, for all reasons--love completely.
#12: If we
aim high and fall short, we still achieve more than by aiming low and falling
#13: May you
recognize the passion and the possibility in your day today and have the
courage to follow
it. #14: In every
moment, for every reason--choose LOVE.
#15: Set
your goals high and do something everyday to move forward.
#16: When
was the last time worry ever solved a problem? Breathe and know that you are
perfect in this
#17: Limitations
seem real when we lack faith and belief. With faith and belief, anything is
#18: Today,
be the person of your dreams. See and act from their eyes.
#19: Praise
is one of the best, yet inexpensive gifts we can give to others.
#20: ere
is nothing more important in the world than loving yourself.
#21: In
times of turmoil, it matters not that we forgot we are in note, unlimited
beings. What matters
most, is how quickly we remember.
#22: Most
times, regrets are things we didn't do, not those we did.
#23: Take
the time today to be good to you, in thoughts, deeds and actions--but
especially in your
#24: Remember,
perspective can cause two people to look at the same thing and see two totally
#25: Every
good thing you do creates ripples that you may not see. Do them anyway.
#26: For
today, think positive thoughts, believe in yourself and others, share hugs and
spread love. a’s
it--nothing else.
#27: Everything
starts from gratitude. Everything. From there, all else lines up for you.
#28: Life
is more meaningful when our goal is filament rather than grate cation.
#29: Focus
on the WHY of life and not the HOW, remembering that where focus goes, energy
#30: Change
your thoughts and you'll change your world.
#31: Collaboration
and cooperation will beat competition every time. ink abundantly. Speak
authentically. Serve willingly. You have
enough. You are enough.
#32: Nothing
has the power to radically change a life more than an attitude adjustment.
#33: e
fastest way to get unstuck is to go do something for someone else.
#34: Success
often comes to those who are too naïve to know that what they're trying to do
is impossible.
#35: Sometimes
the greatest gift you can give another is to ask for help. ere is pleasure in
#36: True
wealth is celebrating the present moment.
#37: You
can summit the biggest mountain by simply taking the rest step.
#38: Either
way you're going off the ledge. So why not jump now so God doesn't have to push
you? Your
wings are beautiful!
#39: To
achieve your dream, see the world as you want it to be, not as it may appear to
#40: We
make room for love when we rest invite understanding into our hearts.
#41: e
greatest limitations in life are the ones we place on ourselves.
#42: As you
close your eyes tonight, may you know how blessed you are and celebrate with
#43: Remember,
you are an in note being and deserve a day lled with unlimited potential.
#44: Start
with your beliefs, which will lead your thoughts, which will create your
actions, which will
produce your results.
#45: Change
requires you to shift your identity of who you are.
#46: When
we focus on what we can do instead of what we can't, a world of possibility
opens unto us.
#47: Adversity
can be turned to opportunity simply by adjusting our perception and our attitude.
#48: Play
and don't take yourself or the world so seriously. Create reasons to laugh!
#49: Challenging
people are in your life for a reason--love them.
#50: Never
underestimate the power of an unlimited being--YOU.
#51: Take
time each day to connect to the Divine. Trust that there is a plan even if you
only see a fraction
of it.
#52: e
fastest way to get to the life you want is to just play make believe that you
already have it today.
#53: Integrity
is holding fast to our convictions regardless of the consequences and never
our ideals or values, even if it affects the
bottom line.
#54: Ah...for
the next moment, allow yourself to be a human BEing rather than a human DOing.
nothing, just BE. Ah...
#55: If you
have to doubt something, let it be your own perceived limitations. Expand,
stretch and
#56: When
you start your day with gratitude everything falls into place with grace and
#57: Go
make your life the one you have always wanted, knowing you have the power to
make it happen.
#58: e
music of success is sweetest when you play in a band of winners. Surround
yourself with
#59: With
the right attitude anything is possible.
#60: Action
is the step many forget when they wonder what happened to their dream.
#61: Your
expectations for any given situation will greatly influence the end result.
#62: In
this very moment you hold the power to change someone else's life for the
better. Go do it.
#63: Change
your beliefs and you’ll change your thoughts. Change your thoughts and you’ll
change your
habits. Change your habits and your life
opens to unlimited possibility.
#64: Giving
is the reason for living.
#65: Above
all else, be true to you.
#66: Allow
adversity to be your teacher.
#67: Find
people who believe in you until you can believe in yourself.
#68: e
more clear you are in the vision of what you want in life, the brighter the
spotlight will be to
lead you on the right path.
#69: We
often learn too late that we spent too much time worrying about the things that
mattered least.
#70: Chances
are, when you fall asleep with a prayer of gratitude on your lips, you'll wake
with a song of
joy in your heart.
#71: Fear
less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breath more; talk less, say
more; hate less, love
more; and all good things shall be yours.
#72: Abundance
flows more freely to you when it continues to flow outward from you, as you
pass it on.
#73: Don't
let your fear of the hazards keep your ship in the harbor. Cast off your lines
and sail away!
#74: If you
can’t change the circumstances, change your attitude. Funny thing is, when you
do, you’ll nd
that the circumstances often change.
#75: Size
matters, so keep your dreams big and your worries small.
#76: Know
that deep inside, you are resilient, brave and so much stronger and more
powerful than your
#77: Beyond
words, beyond actions, beyond feelings--know in your core that you are loved.
#78: We can
get so much further in life through collaboration rather than competition. One
plus one
equals eleven, not two.
#79: Problems
do not de ne who you are unless you allow them to. Remember your magni cence.
#80: To
improve what shows up in the exterior of your world, rst, be still and improve
the interior.
#81: e
shortest path to success--focus on the 'what' and the 'why', not the 'how'.
Works every time.
#82: Your
actions, thoughts and words today are but seeds for tomorrow’s garden.
#83: No
matter what the past may look like, without our permission, our yesterday does
not have the
power to determine our tomorrow.
#84: When
we celebrate in advance, things have a way of lining up for us more quickly.
#85: When
we look for the good and expect it to show up, we'll always nd it.
#86: If we
knew how loved, how Divine, how unlimited we really are, we'd see one another
through tears
of joy.
#87: At the
end of life we're going to ask--Did I live? Did I love? Ask it now. e clock is
ticking, you'd
better start living.
#88: “Can't”
isn't a word. You have the power to do, be or create anything.
#89: If you
wait for everything to be perfect before taking action on your dream, you'll
never take the rst
#90: When
we change our beliefs on the inside, we will transform our results on our
outside world.
#91: It's
impossible to be of service to others and feel sorry for yourself. Choose one.
#92: If we
allow our de nition of what's possible to be based on how big someone else can
dream, our
dream will die.
#93: Gratitude
must be part magic, for when I ll my heart with gratitude, anything is
#94: For
the next moment, allow yourself to be a human BEing rather than a human DOing.
#95: When
you focus on faith rather than fear, you tap into a strength to carry you over
even the tallest of
#96: e
power to change the world starts with us rst changing our belief and ourselves.
#97: Our
dreams have no limitations except those that we place on them.
#98: Each
day take the time to reconnect and remember, you are an in nite being with
#99: Treat
all others as if the entire world were watching your actions.
#100: Ask,
give thanks, repeat. Ask, give thanks, repeat.
#101: Abundance
isn't something that you have, it's who you already are.
#102: Adversity
could be the greatest gift in our life, in retrospect.
#103: Push
yourself to do one thing outside your comfort zone today.
#104: A
decision is nothing more than a choice to eliminate other options and follow
your path with
#105: We
imagine the worst. If you're going to use your imagination, imagine GOOD things
#106: Choose
to love with all your heart, even if it sometimes breaks.
#107: We're
only here to learn to love.
#108: What's
happening on the outside doesn't have the power the affect what's happening on
the inside,
unless we allow it to.
#109: When
Universal timing and our timing are different, that doesn't mean that things
aren't working.
Trust the process.
#110: What
other people think about you isn't about you. It's about them.
#111: May
you be blessed with thoughts and opportunities and take action that will create
abundance in
your life.
#112: Your
thoughts become things. You decide. You rule. at's pretty cool.
#113: Beating
yourself up doesn't bene t anyone. Focus on what you choose to create instead.
#114: Being
kind to you is really being kind to me, for we are but individual parts of the
same whole.
#115: Illusions
can appear real but we get to choose whether or not to buy into them.
#116: When
we learn to nd the blessing in any situation, we've mastered this journey
called "life".
#117: What
would you do if you knew that your wildest dreams could come true and that you
#118: Imperfect
action is better than perfect inaction.
#119: With
belief and action all things are possible.
#120: Sometimes
the fastest way to reach your dream is to help someone else reach his or her
#121: If you
don't ask for what you want, the answer is already NO. Why not ask, and maybe
the answer
will be YES!?
#122: e two
most powerful words in any language--“ank you!”
#123: Realize
that you have the power to do, be or create anything in your life. Anything.
#124: Nobody's
perfect. We all fall down. What matters most is how quickly we get back up,
learn from
our mistakes and move on!
#125: You
can't worry yourself out of a bad situation, but you can believe yourself out
of it!
#126: How we
see ourselves determines how we see the world.
#127: Gratitude,
kindness and caring are more powerful than any problem you think you have.
#128: Life
works better when we go with the flow rather than ght the current.
#129: Love
is letting others know how much you appreciate them.
#130: Forget
early--there are enough worms for all of us.
#131: Adversity
forces us to focus on things we need to learn.
#132: We
can't choose the number of our age, but we CAN choose the age of our attitude.
#133: Change
is inevitable and those who adapt quickly are most likely to succeed.
#134: Worry
is the #1 thief of our time and has the power to rob you of beauty of today.
#135: Live
well, laugh often, love deeply.
#136: With
laughter or love, the more you give the more you'll receive.
#137: Sometimes
we may forget who we are. But what matters most is how quickly we remember our
magni cence.
#138: When
you surround yourself with people who support your dreams, you will achieve
success more
#139: You
will go through pain in your life, but how you choose to respond to it is your
#140: Even
the largest of res starts from a tiny spark. at same potential is within you,
so set your
dreams on re!
#141: Laughter
is not only contagious, but is experienced in a deeper way when it is shared.
#142: Life
is magical when we are bold and have the courage to move forward into the
unknown, rather
than backwards into security.
#143: Kindness
is God's reminder that we see through our eyes but connect through our hearts.
#144: Realize
that what’s happening around you doesn't de ne who you are.
#145: Instead
of cursing the darkness, be the one to light a candle.
#146: Change
your attitude to “I’ll see it when I believe it ”--not the other way around.
#147: Pain
may be inevitable but remember, suffering is optional.
#148: You
are Divine energy in human form--you are only as limited as your thoughts.
#149: Make
your life a garden where you plant seeds of possibility and water them with
#150: You
are an unlimited being lled with in nite possibility--with the power to be, do
or create
anything that you desire in your life.
#151: e
best thing about a hug is that when you give one away you still have an endless
#152: Just
as in nature where the antidote and the poison grow side by side, you'll never
be given a dream
without the ability to make it happen.
#153: Success
looks at adversity as a step to something greater, not a wall to stop progress.
#154: Choose
consciously and wisely. You are only one choice away from changing your world.
#155: Nothing
in life is to be feared--it is only to be understood.
#156: One of
the amazing things about this chess game called "life", is that we
get to choose if we want to
be the chess master or the pawn.
#157: Even
if life is a bumpy road or your dreams are taking a circuitous route, take time
to live in the
moment and enjoy the scenery along the way.
#158: Someone
in the world is better off today because of something you've done.
#159: Know
that there is enough for all of us--enough money, enough opportunity, enough
love for all of
us to be happy.
#160: Adversity
happens to everyone and it is not an excuse for abandoning our dreams.
#161: We may
not choose our circumstances but we do choose our attitude and our response.
#162: Make a
choice. Change your thoughts=Change your world.
#163: We
make the greatest difference in the world when we nd a cause that's bigger than
our fears and
step forward with faith.
#164: Love
eradicates fear like light dispels darkness, so shine your love on the world!
#165: Each
day, do your best and let go of the rest.
#166: You
are not the troubles that happen to you. You are magni cence unfolding. Allow
it to happen.
#167: Life
works best when we focus on where we're going rather than where we've been.
#168: e
number one way to improve your life is through the conscious practice of
#169: On
your deathbed, regrets are usually of things you didn't do, not things you did!
So, go do it!
#170: Adversity
is the Universe's way of directing us down a different path.
#171: Happiness
and love are choices that we get to make in each and every moment.
#172: Let
your thoughts and actions come only from a place of love.
#173: If
you've hit a wall or the door has closed, keep looking until you nd the window,
for there's
always a solution.
#174: When
the dream is BIG enough, we nd the motivation to get through the tough times.
#175: Give
to others with no expectation of receiving anything in return.
#176: ALL
people have adversity. What separates the good from the great is how we choose
to react to it.
#177: Blessings
happen more frequently when we take the time to notice them.
#178: e
quality of your life will be in direct proportion to the level of your
#179: Be not
afraid to surrender your beliefs on how things “should” be, to the greater will
of the
#180: Love
is all there is.
#181: You
were born an in nite being with unlimited potential--and you still are that
magni cence.
#182: You
can only do one thing at any time--dream, plan or worry. Kinda makes worry a
silly third
choice, no?
#183: Sometimes
the only change we need is a change in how we see the world.
#184: More
forward with con dence, knowing in the core of your being that you have the
power to
achieve your dreams.
#185: When
the purpose is big enough, we nd the courage to move mountains.
#186: Take
love with you in all things that you do and leave only ripples of kindness
behind you.
#187: Today,
please share appreciation, spread the love and happiness and watch what
#188: Just
as the birds receive what they need each day, live your life knowing that
abundance is already
#189: Adversity
provides the opportunity for the best part of us to shine.
#190: When
you accept that you're exactly where you're supposed to be in this moment and
that you
have all that you need, miracles happen.
#191: Take
responsibility for your actions and inactions, realizing that at all times, you
get to choose how
to act or react.
#192: Inspiration
is the rocket fuel that makes ordinary days extraordinary.
#193: Love
everyone. Life is just too short for anything else.
#194: Live
in the present. It's the only thing that truly exists. Never look back unless
you are planning to
go that way.
#195: All
things are possible--if you never give up!
#196: Don't
put off until tomorrow that which you can enjoy today!
#197: Challenge
is nothing more than a seed of opportunity.
#198: Play
BIG, make it fun or don't play at all. Might as well make it worth the effort,
#199: ere
are few things in life that can't be solved by a bubble bath.
#200: Dream
big and make life fun! Do something outrageous each day. Follow your passion.
Believe in
#201: Love
is the answer to any of your questions today. Just start there rst and watch
magic unfold.
#202: Just
because no one's ever done it before doesn't mean it's impossible. Go for it!
#203: Knowing
that what we focus on grows, count your blessings instead of your problems.
#204: Feeling
stuck? e best way to get unstuck is to go do something for someone else!
#205: Live
purposefully. Give abundantly. Love unconditionally. Hug joyfully. Celebrate
#206: Happiness
is found in your heart, not in your circumstances.
#207: When
your burning desire for success is greater than your deepest fear of failure,
you can create
anything in your life!
#208: No one
deserves loving kindness today more than you do.
#209: Tomorrow,
when you are a beautiful butterfly, it will be hard to remember your days as a
#210: Even
enlightened people have problems. e only difference is in their reaction to
#211: We do
have a choice in everything, everyday--even when it appears that we don't.
#212: What
you get from life will be in direct proportion to what you give TO life.
#213: You
cannot discover new lands unless you take your ship out of the harbor. Sail on
brave one!
#214: Appreciate
where you've been, anticipate where you're going, but most importantly, cherish
you are in this moment.
#215: Laugh
more + love more = live a longer, healthier and happier life.
#216: Once
you understand that abundance is there for everyone, life gets much easier.
#217: If
you're going through a rough time, the Universe just might be preparing you for
#218: Your
worst day may be someone else's best day. It's all perspective. How we see
ourselves changes
how we see the world.
#219: e
false beliefs we have in our heads are our only cause of unhappiness. Change
our thought,
change our world.
#220: Know
that the real gift you give isn't the presents--it's your presence.
#221: Love's
the only road to travel.
#222: Serendipity
happens to us all every day. e key to the frequency and importance is simple:
#223: Even
if you don't know how to complete a project, just take the rst step. ere is
power in action.
#224: Everything
happens for a reason, even if you don't understand it in the moment.
#225: Rather
than ghting the wind, it's much easier to trim the sails.
#226: May
you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease and
know that you
are loved.
#227: Do
something today that makes you grow. Stretch your boundaries and reach outside
of the box.
#228: Every
day, dream and be inspired. Read a good story, sing a song, play in Nature and
share love.
#229: e rst
step to loving someone is understanding who they are. Listen with your heart.
#230: What's
possible for you in your life? Ask. Trust. In nite possibilities are born of
#231: Happiness
is a choice that you get to make.
#232: Nothing
can dissipate adversity faster than changing your focus.
#233: Life
is richer when we celebrate our successes rather than focusing on our failures.
#234: For
all that you do, and all that you are, no one deserves loving kindness today
more than you do.
#235: e
only way to bring something into your life is to rst believe that it's
possible, for without vision
and belief, nothing happens.
#236: No
matter the question, love is always the answer. Start there rst and watch magic
#237: You
only lose when you give up.
#238: Go
with the flow and be willing to allow change into your life, for change is the
only thing that's
#239: e
more you worry, the less you dream. Choose to dream.
#240: Focus
on what you DO have instead of what you don't.
#241: Anything
is possible. e most audacious dreams can be realized, by intention,
preparation, action
and unwavering belief.
#242: ere
is greater value in implementation than in simply having an idea. Make it
#243: A
single candle can light the way for the masses. Today, shine brightly.
#244: inking
that we have to create abundance is like thinking we have to create sunshine. We
#245: e
problem is not that there are problems. e problem is expecting otherwise and
thinking that
having problems is a problem.
#246: Belief,
not worry, is the only way out of a bad situation.
#247: What
we choose to do in each moment de nes where we're going in our life.
#248: Live
to give and give to life. Giving is the reason for living.
#249: Praise
is one of the best inexpensive gifts we can shower on others. Catch someone
something right.
#250: If I
have any regrets at the end of my life, I want them to be for the things I did
do, not those that I
#251: Limitations
are nothing more than arti cial boundaries that we create to feel safe.
Remember, you
can do anything!
#252: Wake
with gratitude, work with joy, live with integrity, play with gusto and
insomnia will never be
a problem.
#253: You
don't have the ability to change the wind, but you get to choose how to trim
your sails.
#254: Never,
ever give up on your dreams. Never, ever!
#255: It is
your attitude that will determine your altitude in life. Con dence and optimism
will take you
to the top of the mountain.
#256: We
have a nite amount of time, so the more we worry, the less time we have to
dream. For me, I
think I'd rather dream.
#257: e
most important person to love, is YOU. Once you do that, it's easier to love
everyone else.
#258: For
the next hour--disconnect. Rather than being available to the world--realize
that you ARE the
#259: Happiness
is something that happens from a choice within, rather than from circumstance
of ourselves.
#260: Nothing
eliminates pain and difficulty in our life faster than a greater purpose.
#261: Dream
incessantly, Believe completely, Act daily, Risk intuitively, Celebrate
#262: Kindness
and love will conquer fear and illusion any day.
#263: May
peace and understanding be yours in this moment.
#264: Nothing
is greater than LOVE. Spread some today.
#265: For
every thought you have today, unseen forces will line up to make it happen for
you, so, think
good thoughts.
#266: A positive
attitude can overcome a negative situation.
#267: Do
something special to inspire someone else today, and chances are, it will touch
your life too.
#268: For
all things, for all reasons, express your gratitude.
#269: Miracles
rst show up as baby steps of possibility.
#270: When
we learn to label challenging situations or problems as fascinating rather then
something shifts within that allows the
solution to reveal itself.
#271: Everyday,
if we nd someone who's having a bad day and send them some love, we just might
change the world.
#272: When
you're able to look at the world as cooperative rather then competitive,
everything changes
and there is enough for everyone.
#273: e
worst things that ever happen to us are the stories we tell ourselves. Misery
comes only from
believing our thinking.
#274: Believe
that you can do it, for when you believe, doors will open unto you.
#275: When
you feel sad or stuck, remember your life can change in the flash of a moment,
and perhaps
that moment is now.
#276: e
gift of oneself is the greatest thing we can give. Be present.
#277: Send a
blessing today to the person in your life who you'd least want to bless--and
see what
happens. Love is always the answer.
#278: If you
are worthy of the breath of life, you are worthy of all else. Let it in.
#279: When
we think with no limits, we allow God to show us a bigger, better dream of
#280: Live
simply, love deeply and know your own inner wisdom.
#281: e only
thing that makes a good day different from a bad day, Is simply our perception.
#282: Follow
your heart--not your fears. Fear is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing
#283: To
achieve success, attitude is more important than assets, aptitude, age or
anything else.
#284: Just
the fear of failure--not failure itself--has the ability to stop greatness in
its tracks.
#285: It's
easy to show kindness and love others when you rst love yourself.
#286: Live
your life with no regrets. Bless the past and let it go.
#287: Sometimes
we forget who we are. Remember--you are an in nite being with unlimited
#288: Our
strength and resilience are always in direct proportion to our level of
#289: e
fear of the storm is always worse than the storm itself.
#290: If you
must follow something rather than lead, let it be your own bliss.
#291: Dream
big and make life fun! Do something outrageous each day.
#292: Your
life will improve exponentially when you improve the life of another.
#293: Believing
that you lack abundance is like a sh believing that it lacks water. You are
#294: As we
grow, the obstacles in our path shrink in proportion, so that what once
appeared as a
boulder becomes a mere stepping stone.
#295: Follow
your passion, listen to your dreams, believe in yourself and all good things
will come your
#296: e
fastest way to get from fear to abundance is by a shortcut called gratitude.
#297: Rather
than asking, "What's the worst that could happen?", instead, ask
yourself, "What's the BEST
that could happen?"
#298: Focus
on what you want, not what you don't want. Simple, easy.
#299: When
everything we do comes from a place of love rather than fear, we will have
achieved peace
on Earth.
#300: Your
taking a deep breath doesn't diminish my air supply any more than your success
mine. We are abundance.
#301: We
stumble, we fall, we get back up again. Guess which part is the most important?
#302: Change
happens rst in our mind, then in our world. Believe it and then you'll see it.
#303: e
world needs you to live out your dream, as no one can sing your song or dance
your dance
quite like you can.
#304: ink
good thoughts. Do good things. Be good to the world and to yourself. Easy.
#305: e
fact that we share the same fears should unite us, not divide us.
#306: In the
midst of constant change, the one thing that remains the same is the essence of
who we are
and the greater sense of knowing found deep
within ourselves.
#307: Bless
your enemies. Forgive others and yourself. You can't swim with an anchor tied
to your feet.
#308: Luck
isn't something that happens to you--it's something you create.
#309: It's
not about who gets there rst, but who's had the most fun on the journey.
#310: On
this beautiful day, take time to be grateful, for from that alone, the magic of
the Universe will
be revealed to you.
#311: Where
focus goes, energy flows.
#312: When
you can look a coming storm in the face without fear, you have mastered your
#313: You
touch everyone you interact with in either a positive or negative way. Make it
#314: No
matter what it might feel like, know that you are never alone.
#315: Sometimes
we need to be reminded that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
#316: It
helps to know that as we go through painful times, we get to choose how to
respond to them.
#317: When
our burning desire for success is greater than our deepest fear of failure, we
have the power
to create anything in our life!
#318: What's
happening outside of you is irrelevant compared to what's happening inside.
#319: Dream
incessantly, believe completely, act daily, celebrate continually.
#320: Circumstances
can’t affect whether or not you are happy, when your happiness is not dependent
upon a reason.
#321: Collaboration
is the new black. Competition only exists in our minds. ere's plenty for all
of us.
#322: You
are the painter of the masterpiece called life, and your attitude is the brush.
#323: If you
can see the life of your dreams it tends to show up even faster. Dream it. See
it. Live it!
#324: When
you can be happy right now, in spite of problems, you'll nd they disappear much
#325: Seek
knowledge while knowing that all the answers to all the questions are already
inside of you.
#326: In
retrospect, some of the greatest blessings in my life have come from adversity.
#327: If we
could stand in another's shoes, we wouldn't be so quick to judge one another
ever again.
#328: Rather
than rowing your own boat, take action by setting your sails and stepping into
the wind.
Sail on!
#329: What
if all your problems could be solved by one tiny idea? e answer is within--pay
and listen.
#330: Life
is like a trapeze: you have to let go of one place to get to another. Swing,
release, catch... swing,
release, catch.
#331: ink
without boundaries. Dream without limitations.
#332: Be
grateful, for from gratitude alone the magic of the Universe will be revealed
to you.
#333: e
greatest gift you can ever give to others is the gift of just being you.
#334: Inspire
others to be their best by rst being YOUR best.
#335: Meditate
and pray on understanding, not outcome, knowing there is blessing in
#336: Rather
than seeking grati cation, which is fleeting, create lasting ful llment
#337: Enjoy
the journey, knowing that what appears to be the shortest path isn't always the
best route.
#338: e
nutritional choices we make today will directly affect the health of our bodies
Choose wisely.
#339: You'll
always nd what you're looking for, either the good or the bad, in any
situation... but nding
the good is more fun.
#340: Adversity
is but an opportunity, not an excuse.
#341: Be
present and remember to breathe.
#342: You
are a spiritual being enjoying a human experience--part of something so much
greater that will
live forever.
#343: If
you're going to take the time to do it, do it right the rst time.
#344: Never
allow the size of your dreams to be limited by what someone else thinks is
#345: Nature
is the Universe's way of making sure we remember the magni cence of who we
really are.
#346: When
we focus on faith rather than fear, anything becomes possible.
#347: We
have a choice to make time for silence to hear God's whisper, or wait for him
to get our
attention with a sledgehammer.
#348: If
your dreams don't scare you just a little bit, you're not playing big enough in
the world.
#349: When
we give without being asked miracles happen.
#350: Carrying
yesterday's problems with you today is like trying to fly while carrying a sack
of rocks.
#351: Not
making a choice IS making a choice--and it's not always the best one.
#352: Don’t
wait until you lose something to realize how much you have to be grateful for
in this
#353: Whether
we tell ourselves "Life is hard" or "Life is easy", we'll
be right.
#354: Miracles
can happen from just sending wishes of loving kindness to another.
#355: To
believe is to know in your heart that it’s already done.
#356: Rather
than telling others how to live their life, lovingly show them by example.
#357: Never
let the quality of the music determine the quality of the dance.
#358: Many
proudly say they don’t fear death, yet live their lives as if they fear living.
#359: When
we realize we only have 86,400 seconds each day--and when they're gone, they're
makes us more conscious of the value of time.
#360: Sometimes
the lesson is in asking the question, not in nding the answer.
#361: Money
doesn't change people, but rather, only ampli es that which a person already
#362: e
older we get, the greater importance we place on time spent with loved ones.
#363: Negative
people present us with an expedited personal growth opportunity.
#364: Our
light shines the brightest when we are working on something bigger than
#365: Adversity
is but a gentle hand to shape you into something greater.
इंग्रजी सुविचार
Reviewed by Amol Uge
March 01, 2019
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