Standard 9 Science and Technology - 14. Substances in Common Use
Question 1:
a. The number of molecules of water of crystallization in washing soda is .....
Answer 1:
Question 2:
1. Saturated brine a. sodium metal freed
Answer 2:
Question 3:
a. What is meant by radioactivity?
Answer 3:
b. Nucleus of certain elements such as uranium, thorium, radium have a property of spontaneously emitting invisible, highly penetrating and high energy radiation. The unstable nucleus of radioactive substances undergoes spontaneous decay by self emission of either alpha ( ), beta ( ), or gamma ( ) radiations to form a more stable nucleus.
c. Cosumption of food with artificial food colours can result in the development of the diseases like ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) which can affect children.
d. Radioactivity has various industrial application:
- It is used as a fuel in nuclear reactors to generate power.
- It is used in controlling the thickness of paper, plastic and metal sheets during their manufacturing.
- It is used in the manufacturing of luminescent paints and objects which show radioluminance. For example, substances such as radium, promethium etc. are used to make objects which glow in the dark like hands of clock. Similarly, krypton-85 is used in high intensity discharge lamps.
- Radioactive substances are used in ceramics, utensils, plates etc. to obtain luminous colours.
- it is inert to the atmosphere and chemical substances
- both water and oil do not stick to the teflon coated articles
- it has a high melting point i.e. 3270 C which means there is no effect of high temperatures on it
- it is easier to clean teflon coated articles
g. Teflon is a substance which is inert to chemicals, stable at higher temperatures, easy to clean and non stick. All these properties make it an ideal substance for coating.
Question 4:
a. Bleaching powder has the odour of chlorine.
Answer 4:

b. The hardness of hard water is due to the presence of chlorides and sulphates of calcium and magnesium. When washing soda (Na2CO3. 10H2O) is added to the hard water, Na2CO3 reacts with the chlorides and sulphates of calcium and magnesium and converts them to insoluble carbonate salts. This changes the hard water into soft water and thus makes it suitable for use.
c. Soap does not work properly in hard water. This is primarily because hard water contains salts of calcium and magnesium. When soap is added to hard water, it reacts with these salts to form an insoluble precipitate called scum. This scum sticks to the cloth and decreases the cleansing ability of the soap. In addition, soaps do not give lather with hard water.
d. The particles of powder are given an electric charge while spraying them to form the powder coating so that a uniform layer of the powder sticks to the metal surface.
e. The aluminium article is used as an anode in the anodising process to deposit a thick layer of aluminiun oxide,on the article so as to protect the article from further rusting.
f. When the radiation coming out from certain radioactive substance is passed through an electric field, marks are found at three places on the photographic plate placed in its path. These three marks represent the three kind of rays which are emitted by the radioactive substances. One type of radiation deviated slightly towards the negatively charged plate and were called alpha rays. The second type of radiation deviated substantially towards the positively charged plate and was called the beta rays. The third type of radiation did not deviate at all and was called the gamma rays.
g. Certain types of ceramic tiles are fixed on the outer layer of a shuttle because they posess properties like they can withstand high temperatures without decomposing. They are water resistant and electric insulators.
Question 5:
a. Write about artificial food colours, the substances used in them and their harmful effects.
Answer 5:
b. Water of crystaliization is the amount of water molecules which are present in one formula unit of salt. We can also say that the water molecules which form part of a structure of a crystal are called water of crystaliization. They give the crystals their shape and crystal.
CuSO4.5H2O- Copper sulphate- it is used as an antiseptic and as an antifungal agent for topical use.
CaSO4.2H2O- Calcium sulphate- it is used in the manufacture of Plaster of Paris and also used in tofu as a coagulant.
c. Electrolysis of sodium chloride solution with inert electrodes can be done by chemical electrolysis, producing different sets of products by providing different experimental conditions .
- Solid sodium chloride melts at just over 800oC, and electrolysis of molten sodium chloride yields sodium metal at the cathode and chlorine gas at the anode.
- Concentrated aqueous sodium chloride solution with a mercury cathode produces a solution of sodium metal in mercury ("sodium amalgam") and chlorine at the anode.
- Dilute aqueous sodium chloride solution produces hydrogen at the cathode and oxygen at the anode.
- Concentrated aqueous sodium chloride solution produces hydrogen at the cathode and chlorine at the anode.
Question 6:
a. Anodizing
b. Powder coating
d. Ceramic
Answer 6:
- It is used for iron surfaces to protect them fom rusting.
- It is used in the manufacturing of anodized utensils like griddles and cookers.
- It makes painted architectural steel parts resistant to heat damage, cold damage and even corrosion.
- Most of metal products designed to be used outdoors are finished using the powder coating method.
- It is used as a fuel in nuclear reactors to generate power.
- It is used in controlling the thickness of paper, plastic and metal sheets during their manufacturing.
- It is used in the manufacturing of luminescent paints and objects which show radioluminance. For example, substances such as radium, promethium etc. are used to make objects which glow in the dark like hands of clock. Similarly, krypton-85 is used in high intensity discharge lamps.
- Radioactive substances are used in ceramics, utensils, plates etc. to obtain luminous colours.
- In medical science, it can be used for detection of cancer, treatment of hyperthyroidism and bone cancer.
- In agricultural field they are used in food preservation, prevention of sprouting in onions and potatoes etc.
- They are used in making roofing tiles, construction bricks, pottery, terracotta etc.
- Special type of ceramics are used in outer surfaces of ships and blades of jet engines.
- They are also used on the outer surfaces of space shuttles.
Question 7:
a. Artificial dye
b. Artificial food colour
d. Deodorant
Answer 7:
a. Artificial dye-
- Use of dye for dyeing hair can have adverse effects like hair fall, damage to hair texture, burning of skin.
- The dyes used for dyeing hair have an equally adverse effect on eyes, etc.
- Dyes present in lipsticks are a cause of stomach disorders.
- It may result in the development of the diseases like ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) which can affect children.
- Radioactive substances affect the central nervous system.
- Exposure to radioactive radiations for long periods can lead to hereditary defects.
- They can penetrate the skin, and causes diseases like skin cancer, leukemia.
- It contains aluminium – zirconium compounds which are the most harmful chemicals in the deodorant. They can result in the development of disorders like headache, asthma, respiratory disorders, heart disease without our knowledge.
- Presence of aluminium chlorohydrates may also result in the development of various skin disorders and skin cancer.
Question 8:
Bleaching powder, common salt , baking soda, washing soda
Answer 8:
Question 9:
Answer 9:
- A polymer resin, a pigment and some more ingredients are melted, mixed, cooled and ground into a uniform powder.
- This powder is sprayed on the polished metal surface by electrostatic spray deposition (a method in which the particles of powder are given an electric charge) that makes a uniform coating on the substance.
- Once completely coated, the object is then heated, which results in the formation of long cross-linked polymeric chains.
- This coating is highly durable, hard and attractive.
- It can be done on plastic and medium density fibre board as well.