Science (Part - II) 2. Life Processes in living organisms Part -1
Question 1:
a. After complete oxidation of a glucose molecules, ---- --- --- number of ATP molecules are formed.
b. At the end of glycolysis, ---- --- -- molecules are obtained.
c. Genetic recombination occurs in -- -- -- phase of prophase of meiosis-I.
d. All chromosomes are arranged parallel to equatorial plane of cell in -- -- -- phase of mitosis.
e. For formation of plasma membrane, --- --- --- molecules are necessary.
f. Our muscle cells perform -- -- -- type of respiration during exercise.
Answer 1:
b. At the end of glycolysis pyruvic acid, ATP, NADH2 and water molecules are obtained.
c. Genetic recombination occurs in pachytene phase of prophase of meiosis-I.
d. All chromosomes are arranged parallel to equatorial plane of cell in metaphase phase of mitosis.
e. For formation of plasma membrane, phospholipid molecules are necessary.
f. Our muscle cells perform anerobic type of respiration during exercise.
Question 2:
a. Nutrition
b. Nutrients
c. Proteins
d. Cellular respiration
e. Aerobic respiration
f. Glycolysis
Answer 2:
In heterotrophic nutrition, the organisms are unable to use light energy for the synthesis of food and are dependant on other organisms to fulfil their energy requirements.
b. Nutrients: Nutrient is a substance available in food that helps us to stay healthy. The main nutrients available in food are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and roughage.
c. Proteins: Proteins are a type of biomolecules which are made up of amino acids. A protein is made up of several amino acids which are linked together by peptide bonds. They play various roles like help in body building, repairing worn out cells and keeping us healthy.
d. Cellular respiration: Cellular respiration is a process in which respiratory substrates such as starch, glucose, fats and proteins are broken down to release energy. This energy is then trapped for the synthesis of ATP to release CO2.
e. Aerobic respiration: Cellular respiration occurs by two processes i.e. aerobic and anaerobic respiration. The process by which the breakdown of carbohydrates occurs in the presence of oxygen resulting in the release of energy in the form of ATP is called aerobic respiration.
f. Glycolysis is the first step in respiration. In this step, six-carbon glucose is broken down into a three-carbon molecule called pyruvate. This does not require oxygen. One glucose molecule produces 2 pyruvate molecules.
Question 3:
a. Glycolysis and TCA cycle.
b. Mitosis and meiosis.
c. Aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
Answer 3:
Krebs Cycle/TCA cycle
It is a cyclic pathway.
It is a linear pathway.
Substrate is acetyl-CoA.
Substrate is glucose.
Occurs in the matrix of mitochondria
Occurs in the cytoplasm
It produces oxaloacetic acid, NADH , FADH2, ATP and CO2.
It produces pyruvic acid, NADH and ATP.
It does not consume ATP.
It consumes 2 ATP molecules.
It generates 2 GTP/ATP molecules from 2 acetyl-CoA molecules.
It generates 2 ATP molecules from 1 glucose molecule.
Occurs only in eukaryotes
Occurs in eukaryotes as well as in prokaryotes
Anaerobic respiration
Aerobic Respiration
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It involves the partial breakdown of glucose.
It involves the complete breakdown of glucose into CO2 and H2O.
A net gain of only 2 molecules of ATP occurs.
A net gain of 36 molecules of ATP occurs.
Here, oxidation of NADH to NAD+ is a slow reaction.
Here, oxidation of NADH to NAD+ is a vigorous reaction.
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It involves single division, resulting in the formation of two daughter cells.
It involves two successive divisions, namely meiosis I and II, resulting in the formation of four daughter cells.
It is also known as equational division as the daughter cell has the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
Meiosis I is known as reductional division where the chromosome number is reduced to half. Meiosis II is known as equational division where the sister chromatids separate while the chromosome number remains the same.
The prophase stage is short and does not comprise of synapsis, crossing over, and the formation of chiasmata.
Prophase I stage is very long. It comprises of five stages. In the zygotene stage of meiosis I, the pairing of homologous chromosomes takes place. During the pachytene stage, crossing over occurs while in the diplotene stage, chiasmata formation occurs.
It plays a significant role in cell growth, repair, and healing of wounds.
It brings about variation and maintains constant chromosome number from one generation to another.
It mainly takes place in the somatic cells.
It mainly takes place in the reproductive cells.
Question 4:
a. Oxygen is necessary for complete oxidation of glucose.
b. Fibers are one of the important nutrients.
c. Cell division is one of the important properties of cells and organisms.
d. Sometimes, higher plants and animals too perform anaerobic respiration.
e. Kreb's cycle is also known as citric acid cycle.
Answer 4:
b. Fibers are one of the imporatant nutrients beacuse they help in the digestion of foods although they themselves are not digestable. They help in the egestion of undigested substannces which is also a reason why we are advised to have fiber rich food in case of constipation. Fibers are naturally present in leafy vegetables, fruits, cereals, etc.
c. Cell division is is one of the important properties of cells and organisms because:
- it is the means of asexual reproduction in unicellular organisms
- the zygote which is formed of single cell, transforms into an adult composed of millions of cells formed by successive divisions
- it is the basis of repair for old and worn out tissues
- it also results regeneration of organisms
- it forms the basis of evolution to various life forms
d. When availability of oxygen is limited, higher animals and plants can also show anaerobic respiration. For example, during exercise the availability of oxygen to the muscles is limited, as a result of which they undergo anaerobic respiration and results in the production of lactic acid. Similarly plants may also show anaerobic respiration in case of water logged roots and result in the production of ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide and energy. Althought the energy obatained through anerobic respiration is less as compared to the energy released during aerobic respiration.
e. Krebs cycle is also known as citric acid cycle because the first product formed during the cycle is citric acid. Citric acid is formed by the condensation of an acetyl group with oxaloacetic acid and water.
Question 5:
a. Explain the glycolysis in detail.
b. With the help of suitable diagrams, explain the mitosis in detail.
c. With the help of suitable diagrams, explain the five stages of prophase-I of meiosis.
d. How all the life processes contribute to the growth and development of the body?
e. Explain the Kreb's cycle with reaction.
Answer 5:


c. Prophase I is the longest phase of meiosis and is further sub divided into 5 phases:
Recombination nodules appear in this stage at the sites where crossing over has to take place between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes.
d. Life processes are processes which are required to maintain body functions and are necessary for survival. The important life processes are nutrition, transportation, metabolism, reproduction, respiration, and excretion. All these processes work together and result in the growth and development of the body. For example, nutrition is the process by which we take up nutrients which are used by the cells to meet their respective needs. This is a vital process which helps living beings to obtain their energy from various sources. Respiration is associated with the exchange of gases as well as burning of food. It results in the breakdown of glucose and release of oxygen. Similarly, cell cycle and cell division play an important role in the growth and development of the organisms. They help in the formation of new organisms as well as repair of dead and damaged cells and tissues.
e. Krebs cycle is a cyclic process that occurs in the mitochondrial matrix, in the presence of oxygen.

Question 6:
Answer 6:
Proteins are biomolecules which are made up of several amino acids that are joined together by peptide bonds. For every 1 gram of protein which is digested 4 Kcal energy is released. Proteins are digested and broken down into amino acids which are then absorbed by the various cells of the body. These amino acids are then used for the synthesis of proteins required by cells and the body.
Fats are molecules which are made up of fatty acids and glycerol. Digestion of fats yield fatty acids which are absorbed by the cells and used as per their requirement. For example, fatty acids are used for producing hormones like progesterone, estrogen etc.